Introducing to Both Teams to Score Betting
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Both Teams to Score Betting has gain a great popularity the past few years and is preffered by many gamblers now. If you manage to use the provided information properly and to develop appropriate strategy, you can turn this quite entertaining system to a long-term profit.
In this article you can find useful tips about Both Teams to
Score Betting. Also will help you to build or select a strategy and to start realizing great profits from it.
Both Teams to Score Betting is relatively new system, but already has found its deserved place among the most popular systems. The meaning of this bet is quite simple, you must choose a soccer match and place a bet whether both teams will score goals. The closing result of the match is not important, the only important thing is to make a predictions that both teams will score a minimum of one goal.
The selected number of match on which you're going to bet depends only on your skills and knowledge about the leagues.
As you can see, the lowest result of the match that can bring you profits is 1:1. Any other result over 1-2 is winning too - like 2-1, 3-1, 2-2 and etc., but if the result is 2-0 you will lose your money. The order and the number of goals are not important.
Every bookmaker have its individual rules and specific requirement about this system, but the common rules are the same:
- Your bet is winning if both teams in the match you've selected score at least one goal.
- Bookmakers accept singles and upwards
- Postponed or cancelled matches will be removed from your wager
- The wager is for the regular 90 minutes of the match and the additional time for injury.
The profits you will have depends on the number of matches you've included in your bet. For each match bookmakers offer fixed odds.
You can easily increase your profits if you combine a sever selection in
paid accumulator bet.
More attractive prices you can find in matches with unpopular teams and less skilled players, because bookies often assume that these matches are not so favorable for Both Teams to Score Betting.