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 | | The beautiful Eva did not forgive Mourinho30.10.2015 |
The former doctor of Chelsea, Eva Carneiro, failed to reach an out-of-court settlement with the club about leaving. Therefore, her lawyers have notified the management that the case between them would be resolved in the courtroom, and she wants compensation.
Eva Carneiro was released from Office on August 8 after the game the Londoners with Swansea. Gripes against her were the manager Jose Mourinho, who was subsequently cleared by the FA, he did not use abusive or discriminatory language against her.
Now expected representatives of the senior management of Chelsea callable before the Labour Tribunal and to give the public statement on the case. Usually, such cases are resolved with the agreement to be given publicity, but now both sides failed to understand outside the hall.
Chelsea has announced that Carneiro is ready to reclaim her job back in September, but she flatly refused, and the reason for this is precisely the attitude of Jose Mourinho.
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