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Felaini was left without a driver's license for 9 months 

Felaini was left without a driver's license for 9 months


The midfielder of Manchester United, Marouane Felaini, was left without a driver's license for the next nine months.
Felaini was caught twice within minutes to drive with a speeding ticket, and that's why the police did not give him a chance.
Manchester Evening News tells us that in May of this year, over the course of minutes, authorities twice stopped the player.
The first time the radar hit 130 km/h with a speed limit of 65 km/h.
Police released the Felaini, only to get caught by their colleagues with 95 km/h, limited to 50 km/h.
The 28-year-old footballer will have to pay a fine of 2300 euros.

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