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They want to remove the last chicane on the Spanish Grand Prix circuit 

They want to remove the last chicane on the Spanish Grand Prix circuit


The organizers of the Spanish Grand Prix want to invite Formula 1 to abandon the last slow chicane on the Barcelona-Catalunya circuit.

The chicane was added to the track configuration in 2007 for safety reasons - previously the circuit ended with two consecutive right-handers. With the advent of the chicane, two slow turns (14 and 15) were added to the configuration, and the speed through turn 13 decreased noticeably.

According to some drivers, such a configuration change can also significantly improve the overtaking situation on the track. However, the highest category FIA license for Formula 1 racing at the Barcelona-Catalunya circuit currently only applies to the configuration with a chicane.

The track management has already confirmed its intention to apply to the FIA for homologation of the second configuration. Also, work has already begun on the track to comply with safety measures when changing the configuration - in particular, the departure zone in the first turn will be increased.

They want to remove the last chicane on the Spanish Grand Prix circuit

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