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Footballer Gunnarsdottir sued Lyon for non-payment of full salary during pregnancy for 82 thousand euros: This victory is more important than me 

Footballer Gunnarsdottir sued Lyon for non-payment of full salary during pregnancy for 82 thousand euros: This victory is more important than me


The footballer won a lawsuit against the club for non-payment of full salary during pregnancy.

Iceland women`s national team captain Sara Björk Gunnarsdóttir became pregnant in early 2021 while playing for Lyon. The girl agreed with the club that she would return home to Iceland during her pregnancy after doctors told her she should stop playing football.

From January 2021, according to FIFA rules, female football players are entitled to at least 14 weeks of maternity leave with two-thirds of their salary. However,  Gunnarsdottir discovered that she had stopped receiving payments from Lyon when she arrived in Iceland.

Because of this, the football player went to court and won. FIFA ordered Lyon to pay Sarah, now playing for Juventus,  the €82, 094. 82 debt plus 5% interest from September 10 last year until the debt is repaid.

Victory feels more important than me. This is a guarantee of financial security for all female football players who want to have a child during their career. “I want to make sure that no one else has to go through what I went through, ” Gunnarsdottir wrote in a column about the outcome of the case.

The International Federation of Professional Footballers` Associations (FIFPro) supported the girl, calling the case a milestone.

Footballer Gunnarsdottir sued Lyon for non-payment of full salary during pregnancy for 82 thousand euros: This victory is more important than me

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