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Jason Tateum: I want to be at the level of James, Curry and Kay Dee for the next generation 

Jason Tateum: I want to be at the level of James, Curry and Kay Dee for the next generation


Jason Tateum outlined plans for his career. I have already achieved a lot at my age. But I see myself at the level of Lebron James, Stef Curry, Kay Dee. I want to look like that for the next generations of players.
Speech by Celtics in itself is a source for pride. The best team in history is Larry Berd. Even if I never reach his level, although why not, I will know that I did everything that depended on me. This already helps to concentrate and is a source of motivation, ā€¯concluded forward Boston.
The current champion goes in the 4th race for MVP this season according to NBA.

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