Sport news


Man City proposed postponing the next season of the Premier League so that the players had more time to rest after KCM.  The rest of the clubs did not support the idea

Man City proposed postponing the next season of the Premier League so that the players had more time to rest after KCM. The rest of the clubs did not support the idea

25.02.2025   click here to read full text
YAP ITAM: Mu should fight for the best in the world, and I`m not sure that Dykeresh is among them.  The Portuguese League is in no comparison with English, it was the same with Haleund

YAP ITAM: Mu should fight for the best in the world, and I`m not sure that Dykeresh is among them. The Portuguese League is in no comparison with English, it was the same with Haleund

25.02.2025   click here to read full text
Mike Bass about a duel between Carry and Ionescu: we were not able to implement a plan that, as we thought, will raise a special moment last year to a new level

Mike Bass about a duel between Carry and Ionescu: we were not able to implement a plan that, as we thought, will raise a special moment last year to a new level

25.02.2025   click here to read full text
Paul George plays the last 4-5 injections

Paul George plays the last 4-5 injections

25.02.2025   click here to read full text
Naji Marshall is disqualified for 4 matches, Yusuf Nurkich - at 3, Pi Jay Washington - 1

Naji Marshall is disqualified for 4 matches, Yusuf Nurkich - at 3, Pi Jay Washington - 1

25.02.2025   click here to read full text


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